星期四, 4月 28, 2016

A Wake Up Call in Life

Over the last 4 months, my life has been turning up side down. Problem with family, work all mixed together and appears that God had a different view about what I suppose to do in my life and my priority in life.

The old concept seem not working at all and there is a strong push for me to rethink what means to me and what they are.

I used to focus on work and making more money, as I feel I am always lack of it and still am, but does that fix all my problem, at least at this very moment, no. I does not help me in anyway. I appear that only love seem to mean something for me, love from family, from friends and love of life.

Life used to be miserable to me and still am at the very point of time, but you need to love it, embrace it the way it is and make the most of it, rather than making more complains and excuses.

From today, I will stop complain and make my life enjoyable and hopefully all good things emanates.
