星期二, 12月 01, 2009

Be Jelly Fish

It's the beginning of the last month of 2009 and I have been with my current employer for nearly a year. Apart from getting a nice pay, there is not a single merit of my present job. I always asked myself; 'can I earn lesser and work elsewhere?'

The answer is still no at present and if not, I would announce here or on Linkedin that I am quitting. The reason is that I learn one thing here: BE JELLY FISH! Where as I carries no burden of a back bone and I could be very flexible and I can do anything, especially, I could be pressed by my client in any form, anyway they need me. My friend told me:' Your client is god, because they are inhuman'. I forgotten the good old days where I could stand firm with my back bone.

Maybe by closing of 2009, it's a time where I should seek somewhere else where I could have a back bone. Be Jelly Fish my friend!

星期二, 10月 06, 2009

Embrace Ageing

The Nobel prize in medicine 2009 was declared at a press conference today at noon. It will be given to three American researchers: Elizabeth Blackburn, Carol Greider and Jack Szovak.

The motivation is:

"for the discovery of how chromosomes are protected by telomeres and the enzyme telomerase" (www.nobelprize.org)

Enzym helps our chromosomes to stay young and I believed that no one wants to grow old. Hopefully, there will be some cure for ageing and cancer in my life time.

When you grow old, every single part of your body decline, firstly, your pair of legs, as they have been supporting you for decades. Recently, my mom is wheel-chaired and fell off very often. It is sad to see her health declining on a daily basis. I started to feel that her days are counting.

My mom used to work 24 x 7, it's only 12 years since her retirement and she can hardly walk. Science discovered that regular sports may help to prolong the process of ageing, i.e. made you grow old slower. Yet, everyone is this world is live to let die.

There is simply so many things you cannot control, birth, ageing, sickness and death. What we can do is to look up the sky and pray to Thy Mighty and hope his saviour could help in some way.

I started to think that I needed to use my life in a more useful way, especially, when I look at the 24-inch gauge. So when I see Thy Worshipful Master in the Grand Lodge Above, I would be a good steward to him.

星期日, 10月 04, 2009

Ashtray for Stylish Smokers

I recently found this beautiful ashtray in a magazine.

When I see this beautiful sculpture, I started to think of owning it, sit back in a comfortable sofa and smokes a Churchill.

This art piece is built by Patrick Mavros, a white man who lives all his life in Africa.

He uses wild animals as his theme for creation and you may see a lot of wonderful pieces on the following website:-

Although, his art piece is quite dear, but it is so far the ashtray I long for apart from the ceramic ash tray from Hermes, which is equally attractive.

星期三, 8月 12, 2009

Human's Best Friends

Dogs are commonly known as human's best friends and I believed that dog lovers would have their specific breed, which they love most.

I am a strange person and I enjoy the difference I have between others and myself, that's why I love a different breed of dog.

I start to love this breed because it is huge and it happened to have one in a garage a few blocks away from my former home. Everyday, I walk home, I will see it playing with his master and his paws rest on his shoulder. I enjoy watching them playing and it is called Ah Fat. I started to love it and I started wonder, when can I have a dog like this?

This do is a NEAPOLITAN MASTIFF, a huge breed in dark colour and it's winkled skin make it very funny to look at. Here is a brief of what a Neapolitan Mastiff should look like in according to American Kennel Club (AKC):-

Large and powerful, Neapolitan Mastiffs are known for their massiveness – massive head, massive bone, and massive body. Despite their fierce appearance and serious demeanor, Mastini are generally peaceful, steady dogs. The breed’s trademark is the loose skin that covers their bodies, the abundant wrinkles and folds on the head and their rolling and lumbering gait. Their short coat can by gray (blue), black, mahogany and tawny. Some brindling and white markings are allowed.

To me, Ah Fat is a such a nice looking dog, it is about 51/2 feet long and weigh about 200 pounds, its muscular and it never bark.

However, since I moved, I do not have much chances walking by that road and visit Ah Fat, hope it is still strong and nice.

星期四, 7月 30, 2009

A Time for Myself

Since I joined my present employer, I am pretty much stressed out.

There are many many human resources issues in the team (I have about 90 nos. of direct report), and I have never been working with people of such poor attitude and mentality, save only a few whom have left the company. Making the situation more worse is that I was sent to a remote office of my client, so I need to travel quite a far distance everyday to get back and forth from home.

Anyway, I was paid to carry out such work and a job is very much important to my life, especially in the current market situation.

Being affected by such, I find that 'A time for myself' become more and more important. After a hard days work, facing so many people you don't want to see at all. I really need to sit back and find myself a corner, which I could immerse myself into, so that I could relief from the 'sufferings' I received during the day.
Just like in this picture, going back home, have a cigar and a good book is the best way to relax myself. Being torn apart from work, life and many obligations, 'A time for myself' is getting more and more important nowadays.
I am gonna find a bit of time for myself tonight!

星期一, 6月 08, 2009

I am No. 27

Harvey is a tank engine with a crane mounted on top of his boiler, which makes him look rather unusual.

The other engines teased Harvey at first, but when he was able to rescue Percy after an accident they realized that his difference was what made him special. Since then, he has proved very useful, using his crane arm for maintenance, building and clearing up. He mainly works at Brendam and the yard, but his favourite place to be is at the Water Works.

Harvey is a kind, friendly and hard-working crane engine. He enjoy helping out when his friends are in distress.

With perhaps the most distinctive appearance of any engine, Harvey is painted burgundy with yellow line-work and brown buffers. His name and the number "27" is written on both his sides in yellow.

Harvey is based on an industrial crane engine - Dubs Crane Engine No. 4101, built in 1901 by Dubs with Configuration: 0-4-0T.

星期五, 5月 29, 2009


Whatever your origins, nationality or religion might be, whatever qualifications you may or may not have, whatever your social or professional status might be, whether you are married or single, the French Foreign Legion offers you a chance to start a new life. For generations, the French Foreign Legion has been romanticised as a refuge for men seeking a second chance in life.

While no serious studies have been made of the motives for enlistment over the years, the majority in the Legion's ranks were either those transient souls in need of escape and a regular wage, or refugees from countries undergoing crises. In the past, the Legion had a reputation for attracting criminals on the run and would-be mercenaries.

To enlist as a French Foreign Legion you need:-

  • to be between the age of 17 and 40 years old (Parental or legal tutor authorization is required for minors),

  • to hold a valid official identity card,

  • to be physically fit for duty wherever he may be needed,

  • knowledge of the French language is not necessary because it will be acquired during the contract.

The above is only facts, but do you ever come across a thought in your mind to escape from your present life, leave all you have, all you know, all your memories washed away and become another person, a new name, a new identity, a new life?

If one day I am going to be called upon the Grand Lodge Above, am I regret about my life or shall I regret that I have just lived one single life, with one identity?

I am living a Legionnaire life in my own world, serving a war zone in my career. May the Architect Divine give me power and strength the live this single identity, which I believe no escape is needed.

Article 1
Légionnaire, tu es un volontaire servant la France avec honneur et fidélité.

Article 2
Chaque légionnaire est ton frère d'arme quelle que soit sa nationalité, sa race, sa religion. Tu lui manifestes toujours la solidarité étroite qui doit unir les membres d'une même famille.

Article 3
Respectueux des traditions, attaché à tes chefs, la discipline et la camaraderie sont ta force, le courage et la loyauté tes vertus.

Article 4
Fier de ton état de légionnaire, tu le montres dans ta tenue toujours élégante, ton comportement toujours digne mais modeste, ton casernement toujours net.

Article 5
Soldat d'élite, tu t'entraînes avec rigueur, tu entretiens ton arme comme ton bien le plus précieux, tu as le souci constant de ta forme physique.

Article 6
La mission est sacrée, tu l'exécutes jusqu'au bout et si besoin, en opérations, au péril de ta vie.

Article 7
Au combat, tu agis sans passion et sans haine, tu respectes les ennemis vaincus, tu n'abandonnes jamais ni tes morts, ni tes blessés, ni tes armes.

星期三, 4月 22, 2009

HARVEY 的香港102 最佳餐廳 (Version 09.4.22)

It's a year since I sent out the list and it really needs a tidy up, as some of the resturants are out of business. Furthermore, to assist my readers and my freinds to find these resturants, I also put in the addresses of them for easy reference. Hope you enjoy! : )

1. 權發飯店-西環吉席街61號地舖及1樓
2. 歡樂餐廳-西環高街59號地下

3. 金華燒臘麵家-中環租庇利街9號地下
4. 港式茶餐廳-中環德輔道中84至86號
5. 滿漢居-中環伊利近街33號地下
6. Jimmy's Kitchen-中環雲咸街 1- 3 號南華大廈地庫
7. Mamma Mia Caffe-中環機利文新街24號地下
8. Schnurrbart German Pub and Restaurant-中環德己立街29號地下
9. Craft Steak-中環蘇豪伊利近街29號
10. 蓮香樓-中環威靈頓街160-164號
11. 熊亭新和風駅-中環威靈頓街98-102號翡翠中心2樓
12. 九記牛腩-中環歌賦街21號地下
13. 蘭芳園-中環結志街2號
14. Captain’s Bar-中環干諾道中5號香港文華東方酒店地下
15. 雍仁會館-中環堅尼地道1號

16. Dan Ryan's Chicago Grill-金鐘金鐘道88號太古廣場114號
17. Triple O's Hong Kong-金鐘金鐘道88號太古廣場二期LG1地庫009號舖

18. 祥利飯店-灣仔三角街2號
19. 波士頓餐廳-灣仔盧押道3號地下
20. 清真惠記-灣仔寶靈頓道21號鵝頸街市鵝頸熟食中心1樓5號
21. 金鳳茶餐廳-灣仔春園街41號春園大廈地下
22. 老上海飯店-灣仔謝斐道238號世紀香港酒店地庫1層
23. 譚魚頭火鍋-灣仔莊士敦道129-135號1-3樓
24. 三不賣野葛菜水-灣仔莊士敦道226號富嘉大廈地下
25. 龍門大酒樓-灣仔莊士敦道130-136號
26. Outback Steakhouse-灣仔分域街8-12號君悅居1樓
27. 大婆牛肉麵-灣仔灣仔道188號廣生行大廈C-D座地下 (入口於克街)
28. The Quarterdeck Club-灣仔龍景街1號分域碼頭海軍商場地下
29. 六角-灣仔光明街6號
30. 泉記-灣仔軒尼詩道343號
31. 利苑酒家-灣仔軒尼詩道338號北海中心1樓

32. 太平館餐廳-銅鑼灣白沙道6號
33. Ruby Tuesday-銅鑼灣告士打道280號世貿中心10樓1002室
34. 南翔饅頭店-銅鑼灣軒尼詩道489號銅鑼灣廣場一期3樓305-8號舖
35. 鍾菜-銅鑼灣勿地臣街1號時代廣場10樓1001舖
36. 翠華餐廳-銅鑼灣景隆街20-22號新安大廈地下
37. 和三昧- 銅鑼灣軒尼詩道555號東角中心22樓
38. 泰簡單-銅鑼灣謝斐道517號總統戲院頂樓
39. 鳳城酒家-銅鑼灣禮頓道30號地下
40. Lawry's The Prime Rib Hong Kong-銅鑼灣希慎道33號利園4樓
41. 何洪記-銅鑼灣霎東街2號
42. 香河越南餐廳-銅鑼灣波斯富街89號
43. 魚翅城酒家-銅鑼灣勿地臣街1號時代廣場食通天1102號舖
44. Dicken's Bar-銅鑼灣告士打道281號香港怡東酒店地庫
45. Inn Side Out-銅鑼灣新寧道10號新寧中心地下
46. 新吉士-銅鑼灣恩平道28號利園2期2樓201-203號舖
47. 南亞餐廳1964-銅鑼灣禮頓道17-19號地下
48. 柏寧酒店大堂酒吧-銅鑼灣告士打道310號柏寧酒店
49. 蘭芳茶餐廳-銅鑼灣禮頓道13號地下
50. Pacific Coffee Company-銅鑼灣希慎道33號利園3樓304號舖
51. Pacific Coffee Company-銅鑼灣告士打道311號皇室堡1樓113-115 號鋪
52. 越色牛肉粉餐廳- 銅鑼灣登龍街 28 號永光中心地下
53. 陶源酒家-銅鑼灣希慎道8號裕景商業中心地下
54. 盛八日式燒肉店-銅鑼灣怡和街2-6號英光大廈3樓
55. Mr. Steak Buffet a la minute-銅鑼灣百德新街2-20號恆隆中心3/F T03鋪
56. 新寧餐廳-銅鑼灣禮頓道77號禮頓中心地庫
57. Shake’em Buns-銅鑼灣開平道5號地下

58. 銖記海鮮飯店-跑馬地毓秀街黃泥涌市政大廈2樓4號舖
59. 譽滿坊-跑馬地成和道63號地下
60. Starbucks-跑馬地成和道49-51A號南榮大廈閣樓A-E舖
61. 正斗粥麵專家-跑馬地景光街21號地下
62. Brown Restaurant and Bar-跑馬地成和道 18A 地下

63. 峰景餐廳-山頂山頂道118號山頂廣場1樓1-2號舖
64. 太平山餐廳-山頂山頂道121號

65. 華姐清湯腩-天后電氣道13號A地下
66. 新釗記粉麵專家-天后琉璃街2號地下C-D舖
67. Poppy’s Restaurant & Wine Bar-天后清風街1B號
68. 燒鳥亭-天后清風街10號清風大廈地下

69. 鳳城酒家-北角渣華道62-68號高發大廈地下及1樓
70. 東寶小館-北角渣華道99號渣華道市政大廈2樓
71. 香港老飯店-北角電氣道218號香港麗東酒店地庫
72. 加藤壽司-北角和富道20-36號明暉大廈1字樓7-9號舖
73. Burger King-北角英皇道147-151號1樓
74. 潤記粥麵茶餐廳-北角渣華道166號嘉威大廈地下
75. Wooden Table Wine & Dine-北角炮台山電器道180號百家利中心1樓
76. 又一店拉麵小籠飽-北角城市花園8座商場地下
77. 祥利冰室-北角電氣道120號地下
78. 百樂潮州酒樓-北角電氣道169號宏利保險中心
79. 蛇王良-北角電氣道298號地下A舖

80. Belgos East-鰂魚涌英皇道979號太古坊濠豐大廈地下
81. Cafe Einstein-鰂魚涌糖廠街33號地下
82. East End Brewery-鰂魚涌糖廠街23-27號地舖

83. 東堤餐廳-西灣河鯉景灣泰康街55號GA10A號舖
84. Jack's Terrazza Ristorante-西灣河鯉景灣太康街55號地下GA26-31號舖
85. 屋裡廂上海菜館-西灣河鯉景灣太康街55號

86. 恆河咖喱屋-筲箕灣東大街59-99號 東威大廈11號舖
87. 越華會-筲箕灣望隆街5-11號合隆工廠大廈地下

88. Ruth's Chris Steak House-尖沙咀麼地道68號帝國中心地下G4號舖
89. Rice Paper-尖沙咀廣東道17號海港城海威商場3樓3319號舖
90. 糖朝-尖沙咀廣東道100號
91. Stone Grill-尖沙咀廣東道17號海港城海運大廈地下OT G01-02 店
92. Biergarten-尖沙咀河內道8號東銘商業大廈地下
93. Felix-尖沙咀彌敦道19-21半島酒店28樓
94. Istanbul Express-尖沙咀樂道

95. 太湖海鮮城-尖沙咀山林道14-16 號 地下

96. 利苑酒家-旺角洗衣街121號
97. Mr. Steak Cafe-旺角亞皆老街8號朗豪坊13樓

98. 良記豬骨煲火鍋-大角咀杉樹街6-7號金基大廈地下

99. 小曼谷泰國美食-九龍城南角道8-10號
100. 友誼泰國菜館-九龍城啟德道38號地下

101. 陶源酒家-觀塘開源道興業街1號駱駝漆中心1樓
102. Shakey's Pizza Restaurant-觀塘觀塘道418號創紀之城5期1樓1號舖

星期三, 4月 15, 2009


The song from my favourite Band, The Rolling Stones summarised me as a person in a whole and life at my present stage:-

I can't get no satisfaction,
I can't get no satisfaction.
'Cause I try and I try and I try and I try.
I can't get no, I can't get no.

When I'm drivin' in my car
and a man comes on the radio
and he's tellin' me more and more
useless information
supposed to misfire my imagination.
I can't get no, oh no no no.
Hey hey hey, that's what I say.

I can't get no satisfaction,
I can't get no satisfaction.
'Cause I try and I try and I try and I try.
I can't get no, I can't get no.

When I'm watchin' my TV
and a man comes on to tell me
how white my shirts can be.
Well he can't be a man 'cause he doesn't smoke
the same cigarettes as me.
I can't get no, oh no no no.
Hey hey hey, that's what I say.

I can't get no satisfaction,
I can't get no girl reaction.
'Cause I try and I try and I try and I try.
I can't get no, I can't get no.

When I'm ridin' round the world
and I'm doin' this and I'm signing that
and I'm tryin' to make some girl who tells me baby
better come back later next week
'cause you see I'm on losing streak.
I can't get no, oh no no no.
Hey hey hey, that's what I say.

I can't get no, I can't get no,
I can't get no satisfaction,
no satisfaction, no satisfaction, no satisfaction.

This song is released on 6 June 1965 in a 7" format, recorded on 12 May 1965, RCA Studios, Hollywood. It last for 3:44 minutes and written by Mick Jagger and Keith Richards.

星期三, 3月 25, 2009

Being Entered Apprentice

How many times in life did you ever enter a school to learn? How many times in life did you enter a hall of friendship and love?

I am always fascinated when I start a new school, go to new places, meet new people and learn new tricks.

Again in life, I entered into new teachings, teachings to learn how to be a better man. I have entered a school which make good man better.

I am now setting my corner stone on the North East and I will work hard to gain the 3 degrees and also signs and signals on my apron.

So mote it be!

星期二, 2月 03, 2009


Barack Obama had become the President of the United States for nearly 2 months, a country used to be the greatest nation in the world, prior the war of anti terrorism, prior the 911 incident, prior the 'Financial Tsunami' and even more so, prior the stupid jerk George W Bush become president.

Few decades ago, during the heat of Rastafarian Movement, everyone believed that Haile Selassie I (Ethiopia's regent from 1916 to 1930 and Emperor of Ethiopia from 1930 to 1974). is a true divine, Messiah of the black people. But what happened eventually? On 28 August 1975, the state media officially reported publicly that the "ex-monarch" Haile Selassie I had died on 27 August of "respiratory failure" following complications from a prostate operation. Nothing fansinating had happened.
I recall a few months ago, I had written about the believe of Rastafarian, where they believe their Messiah should be a black person, leading them. Now, Barack Obama had became the President of this former great nation, do they think that he is Jah?

Obviously, Obama is only half black, his father is Barack Obama, Sr, a Luo from Kenya, whom met his mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, an American of European descent while studying in Hawaii, not the same as Haile Selssie I, who is the heir to a dynasty that traced its origins to the 13th century, and from there by tradition back to King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba.
Well bloodline may not be an important issue though?! It is not the matter where you are from, it is no longer necessay to have 'blue blood' to save the world. The only thing to think about is whether Barack can do what saviour does, saving our soul? saving our lives? .....I think I only wish him to save the world economy.
So, can Obama save us, we are yet to see. Jah bless America!

星期六, 1月 31, 2009

Happy Year of the Ox

Its another new year of the Ox and my own year again. Twelve years ago, 1997, I witnessed the British hand back the governance of Hong Kong to China in Newcastle-upon-Tyne.
Twelve years ago, when we see people wearing a kilt in the street, even a kid will know that he is a Scottish. But nowadays, if you ask a 5-year old kid, he will answer he do not know where did this guy came from and there is no male in this world wears a skirt!
The flower still blossom and so as the business environment. We have the Asian Financial Crisis and Chicken Flu in 1997 and now we have the Finance Tsunami.
The only think we need to remember apart from believing in the first African American President who may change the world, we need to believe in ourselves.
Have fate and never give up, stay alive and that is the attitude we should adopt in the new year. Same as an Ox, we work hard and we will enjoy our harvest!

星期一, 1月 19, 2009

I have Returned (Bumalik si Harvey sa Pilipinas.)

On 20 October 1944, US General Douglas MacArthur kept his promise, which he had made in 1941 to the people of the Philippines. He returned to the islands with an enormous invasion force and the largest assemblage of naval vessels in the history of mankind. For MacArthur, the liberation of the Philippines from the Japanese was the culmination of the war.When the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor in December, 1941, MacArthur was in charge of US and Filipino forces in the Philippines. On December 8th of that year, the Japanese invaded the islands. MacArthur’s allied army found itself on the defensive almost immediately and began a hasty retreat that ended on the Bataan Peninsula and the rocky fortress called Corregidor. The General was prepared to fight to the last man and when the order came from President Roosevelt for MacArthur and his family to make their escape to Australia, he almost demoted himself in order to stay. But MacArthur understood that his worth as a frontline commander would be greater than his worth as a prisoner of the Japanese. In March, 1942, the General and his family escaped the islands by making a harrowing journey aboard a PT boat to the southern islands of the Philippines, where they met a B-17 that flew them to Australia. Once there, MacArthur released a statement to the press in which he made his famous promise, “I shall return.”

Earlier, on 29 August 2008, I also did the same promise that I shall return to The Philippines. Eventually, I did, only 5 months instead of 2.5 years. However, unlike the Great General, I am not coming to fight a battle, not landing on Leyte nor I came to liberate the people of The Philippines.

I came all the way for the sandy beaches, deep blue sea, sun shine, mango, ice-cream and Lapu Lapu and I landed on Cebu. I have a wonderful break after the last few harsh months I have and enjoy my life in Plantation Bay and Cebu City. Merci my Lord!