I am a strange person and I enjoy the difference I have between others and myself, that's why I love a different breed of dog.
I start to love this breed because it is huge and it happened to have one in a garage a few blocks away from my former home. Everyday, I walk home, I will see it playing with his master and his paws rest on his shoulder. I enjoy watching them playing and it is called Ah Fat. I started to love it and I started wonder, when can I have a dog like this?
This do is a NEAPOLITAN MASTIFF, a huge breed in dark colour and it's winkled skin make it very funny to look at. Here is a brief of what a Neapolitan Mastiff should look like in according to American Kennel Club (AKC):-
Large and powerful, Neapolitan Mastiffs are known for their massiveness – massive head, massive bone, and massive body. Despite their fierce appearance and serious demeanor, Mastini are generally peaceful, steady dogs. The breed’s trademark is the loose skin that covers their bodies, the abundant wrinkles and folds on the head and their rolling and lumbering gait. Their short coat can by gray (blue), black, mahogany and tawny. Some brindling and white markings are allowed.
To me, Ah Fat is a such a nice looking dog, it is about 51/2 feet long and weigh about 200 pounds, its muscular and it never bark.
However, since I moved, I do not have much chances walking by that road and visit Ah Fat, hope it is still strong and nice.
2 則留言:
so, Labrador is not your first option now. Yes, Ah-Fat is good looking, but I just wonder whether he will slaver too much... Did you move out previous 40th floor?
I like both Labrador and Mastiff, hope I can have both.
I still lives on 40th Floor, as I prefer to have the cloud nearer.