Whatever your origins, nationality or religion might be, whatever qualifications you may or may not have, whatever your social or professional status might be, whether you are married or single, the French Foreign Legion offers you a chance to start a new life. For generations, the French Foreign Legion has been romanticised as a refuge for men seeking a second chance in life.
While no serious studies have been made of the motives for enlistment over the years, the majority in the Legion's ranks were either those transient souls in need of escape and a regular wage, or refugees from countries undergoing crises. In the past, the Legion had a reputation for attracting criminals on the run and would-be mercenaries.
- to be between the age of 17 and 40 years old (Parental or legal tutor authorization is required for minors),
- to hold a valid official identity card,
- to be physically fit for duty wherever he may be needed,
- knowledge of the French language is not necessary because it will be acquired during the contract.
The above is only facts, but do you ever come across a thought in your mind to escape from your present life, leave all you have, all you know, all your memories washed away and become another person, a new name, a new identity, a new life?
If one day I am going to be called upon the Grand Lodge Above, am I regret about my life or shall I regret that I have just lived one single life, with one identity?
I am living a Legionnaire life in my own world, serving a war zone in my career. May the Architect Divine give me power and strength the live this single identity, which I believe no escape is needed.
Article 1
Légionnaire, tu es un volontaire servant la France avec honneur et fidélité.
Article 2
Chaque légionnaire est ton frère d'arme quelle que soit sa nationalité, sa race, sa religion. Tu lui manifestes toujours la solidarité étroite qui doit unir les membres d'une même famille.
Article 3
Respectueux des traditions, attaché à tes chefs, la discipline et la camaraderie sont ta force, le courage et la loyauté tes vertus.
Article 4
Fier de ton état de légionnaire, tu le montres dans ta tenue toujours élégante, ton comportement toujours digne mais modeste, ton casernement toujours net.
Article 5
Soldat d'élite, tu t'entraînes avec rigueur, tu entretiens ton arme comme ton bien le plus précieux, tu as le souci constant de ta forme physique.
Article 6
La mission est sacrée, tu l'exécutes jusqu'au bout et si besoin, en opérations, au péril de ta vie.
Article 7
Au combat, tu agis sans passion et sans haine, tu respectes les ennemis vaincus, tu n'abandonnes jamais ni tes morts, ni tes blessés, ni tes armes.
2 則留言:
why don't you try to stay few days in Japan's temple first? Escape, good word. sometime, people need to find a way out, to escape what they stand. as for my experiences, you can not escape for being same circumstance. it's not a escape.
You are right. Going to Japan is more sensible and the Japanese temple is just so nice to be in.