Most people consider Ralph Lauren as a causal wear fashion brand but when you look closer into this brand, it seems it is not as causal as we used to think.
On the flip side, the style it presents is a bit strange. You will see models dressed in shorts with an oxford shirt, a blazer, a bow tie and a pair of boaty shoes with no socks.
This style is called 'preppy'. The word itself original mean "northeastern private university-preparatory schools and denotes a person seen as characteristic of an attendee of these schools". It also refers to the kind of style this group of people dressed in.
I tried myself some of the outfits as I work for the brand, but I still cannot take the shorts and bow tie look. As it is the look of my school uniform when I was a kid.
Anyhow, I found alot of my co-workers dressed in full suit but with no socks and you will see this is a trendy thing in the company, which we are selling to our customers. I tried to follow as it's cooler in the summer, but the shoes cuts my heels and it hurt. So, I move to invisible socks. It's much better now.