After 15 months of overhaul do I become a better person? I don't really know, but there are a lot of transformation in myself. I rethink about my life, what is it for? Why I am here? Should I do think or not doing this? Is this what I wanted? What relationship suits me? What kind of work suits me? Who am I?
In these 15 months, I have danced with the devil in a pale moon light, shivering in the cold, against a lot of odds, pressed under extreme pressure and repeatedly asked myself why am I in this shit, yet, there is no change.
Lord answered my prayers in the dark days and when the time that He thought I have sufficient tests, I moved on. Thank God!
I have under went trainings to become a better man, but am I a better man after all these? This is a question that I would like to find an answer for myself in 2010. At present, the answer is obviously, NO, but I would like to make myself say YES by the end of 2010.
Looking forward to explore Asia and myself more in 2010.