Have you ever think of leave your home, your comfort and live on land on your own?
Christopher Johnson McCandless (February 12, 1968 – mid-August, 1992), better know as Alexander Supertramp, was an American wanderer equip with minimal food and equipment conquered Arizona, California and South Dakota on his bear feet for two whole years before he sadly died in an empty bus out of hunger.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christopher_McCandless
I just finished watch a movie about him, directed by Sean Pean. I admire the holiness of him, being able to have the gut to travel on his own, save except the wild, the danger and any unforeseen event. I admire his will towards loneliness, being able to stand on his own, live on his own, months without human contact, I admire his determination.
I admire this fellow, a guy with real guts!