I remembered once there was a piece of writing on the RICS* Journal, guess its more then a decade ago, which illustrated a joke about Surveyors.
In the beginning of the Universe, God created human beings. Among them, He created Architects, who were gifted with talented minds to draw beautiful things, give beautiful ideas. However, they failed in building things up, as their designs are impractical.
In light of such, God then created Structural Engineers, who were gifted with talents in calculations and they could help to calculate how many forces were required to sustain the beautiful designs created by the Architects.
However, the more the numbers of Engineers and Architects, the meetings became very difficult and the first problem began with how many numbers of chairs were required for each meeting. So, God created Surveyors, who were responsible to count the numbers of chairs for meetings, while in the meantime, help to manage the meetings and make sure the Engineers and Architects are able to complete their works on time and within budget. So count your chairs, fellow Surveyors.
Human beings always want to do things to try to make themselves God, even for only a moment. As you can see from the picture, the Venetians' created a sky of their own, where they may act light God, which turned the sky dark when they dim the lights, but they may never change people's mind and ask them to spend more in the casino or in their malls. However, God can, he build on what he crashed and make it even stronger.
The new masonry are to be done in a perfect craftsmanship, only to do better with the guidance of the square and compasses, freely and acceptable by all.
Say Grace to The Grand Architect of the Universe!!!
* RICS - Royal Institute of Chartered Surevyors
2 則留言:
God gives mission to each role, each position. Somehow, people is not aware of their born mission. If you are lucky enough, you are aware of this and follow your destiny, then you are given a harvest which is assigned by God. Is it a good thing? I don't know.