Most adult lived a routine life, day in day out, 8, 10, 12 or even 14 hours of work a day. Although I do not need to follow the same pattern, since my work life is 7 x 24.
However, did you ever sit down and think about is this right? Is this the life you wanted?
I watched the movie 'Wanted' yesterday, which is about a poor accountant who lived the same kind of routine life and life is so crab to him that he even need to rely on pills to live.
Suddenly, a woman came to her and introduced him to a different life, so free, so exciting, so unfamiliar. He became an assassin in 6 weeks' time, living a life he could never imagine as an accountant. He follows the order from the Fraternity on a piece of cloth and kill the target.
Yet, this is where I found the problem, it is exciting, it is so free, but how long will you get use to all these, make all these familiar and eventually, all these became routine and life become crab again?
What is life for, when we think of break free, actually, do we really free? It is our heart which is not free, our soul which is not free or it is all imagination within our own that we are being trapped by the routine? Shall we think of fixing our wild heart in the first place or does the action of breaking free from time to time help you out.
But, have 6 weeks of excitement then go back to routine seems to be fun. : )
1 則留言:
i guess you have so much fun!