星期三, 12月 18, 2019

Happily Ever After?

After a turbulence relationship, I settled down with the love of my life in 2011. Thinking that I could relax and focus on doing my own things.

I lived a happy and joyful life with my beloved wife and my wonderful sons for a good 5 years.

Unfortunately, my cold shoulder, my neglect and worse come worse, my bad temper had torn our marriage and I am now almost 4 years away from home.

I have been torture in every mean of life during these 4 years. Life attacked me in all fronts and I could hardly breath.

My wife ignored me, which I felt angry and resent in the beginning. I apologise to her. I yelled at her and I sent her various gifts but none of these help our relationship.

I work on myself and which I kept working on myself, I wanted to improve, to improve myself, so that I could worth the love of my wife. I asked the God/Universe to help me, I wanted to control my temper and I never want this marriage to fail.

Javyan, the love of my life, I realise how painful you are and all I wish to do is to love you and care about you till the day I die.