After all these years and all these ups and downs in my life, I finally realise that I have been an old dog for too long and stop myself from learning new tricks and open myself to new idea.
That turned into my love life too. I think my wife should be doing A, B and C, but instead this is not what she wanted and now it just come to a time when we have a huge problem and I personally could not find a way out. I try to do everything, begging her, yelling at her, shouting and her and worse come worse thrown a chair towards her.
Two months have nearly past and there is only very little improvement in our relationship. We do not yell or shout at each other anymore, we (at least I) do not feel the hate anymore.
Thank you very much to Uncle Calvin who told me that I am not humble enough and not love my wife enough, which caused all these trouble. Of course, there is problem about how we communicate too. Wish Whatsapp, messaging apps and many other apps, smart phones, we are no longer talking to each other. We message each other, we don't talk, so when we need to talk, we don't know how to.
Over the past four years, I recalled myself have very little time talking to my wife which is sad. Now, with my wife blocking off my Whatsapp, FB Messenger, I speak to her or just a few SMS that all. We have to speak.
God, I pray to you, please give me wisdom, strength, patience, confident and love so that I could over come. Please heal the wounds of my wife and make her open up her heart for me again.
I love my wife and I will be here for her for as long as I shall live.
Javyan, you are my true and only love.