To write what I want to write, about eating, drinking, smoking, life, anything and everything. Most important about enjoyment of life, no matter during sweet or bitter times.
星期一, 3月 31, 2008
Tattoo 紋身 (刺青)
在古代秦朝時代就有關於紋身 (刺青)的記載, 當時叫做黥刑, 是中國古代的一種刑罰,在犯人的臉上或額頭上刺字或圖案,再染上墨,作為受刑人的標誌。
但慢慢刺青已演變成個人裝飾的一種在一些群體當中,刺青是一種勇氣的表現,刺青能得與同儕認同,有關紋身的記載在水滸傳至少就有三個身滿刺青的重要角色: 九紋龍史進, 花和尚鲁智深和浪子燕青。
隨著社會風氣的開放,大家逐漸能接受紋身這種表現身體的型式, 紋身的圖案亦被視為藝術品,有名的刺青師傅也被視為藝術家。
我個人是 Miami Ink (NOW Channel 213) 的Frans, 很喜歡看紋身店內各人因為不同的原因, 紋上不同的圖案, 圖案色彩豐富, 刺青藝術家 (Tattoo Artist) 技巧熟練, 實在十分有趣。
我喜歡的圖案是日本浮世繪等有民族代表性的圖案, 他們的刺青圖案精細, 色彩豐富, 有的更加好像一件 T-Shirt, 十分引人注目。
星期二, 3月 25, 2008
Zen and Sin
To me, Zen is a way, a way which when we are able to make human beings better, to be more internally complete, to understand more of your own inner self. Humans like us struggle a hard life for whatever reason, even if you are rich, there are problems that you cannot solve with your richness, such as health, love, family, aging and eventually death. Through the way of Zen, we could understand why we need to face all these in life and we could embrace each day we live and even each breath of air.
Zen also taught us one important thing, which is called reason and result. Every result comes with a reason and vise versa. We did bad deeds, we have bad results and vise versa. The more sin we gather on earth during our life time, the worse it is going to be. Every people do certain kind of bad deeds daliy, whether on purpose or not, so you know what is the result?!
So, I wish everyone whom had read this wordings start to think positive (+ve) and do good deeds or else your Sin will come with you and you will taste the bitterness of it.
星期四, 3月 20, 2008
Most of the time, I like it black, with no sugar and milk. The first one of the day, I took it before I leave home for work or just going out, since it make me awake from whatever last night happened. Also, if I don't have it, I will have a terrible headache.
The second one, I took it before lunch. The reason is that after several hours emerge yourself in the heavy workload, you just need to have some refreshment. I started this habit when I work for the French.
The third one, I took either during lunch or as afternoon tea. The afternoon coffee reminds me of the good old days in Newcastle, where have a bit of snack, a coffee and a good a wonderful life it is?!
The last one of the day, normally goes with my dinner, I prefer a white one with sugar, the reason is that it is my believe that one should end a day with sweetness before going to their dreams.
There are a lot of different coffee shops, pacific, starbucks, cova, pret, you name it, but never able to forget the express I have in Geneva.
un espresso.....merci.
HARVEY 的香港102 最佳餐廳 (Version 08.3.20)
希望大家試試, 記住吃是講心情, 打開你的心吧!!!!
1. 源記甜品專家
2. 權發飯店
3. 歡樂餐廳
4. 金華燒臘麵家
5. Jimmy's Kitchen
6. 港式茶餐廳
7. La Pampa Argentinian Steak House
8. M at the Fringe
9. Habibi Café
10. Chippy
11. 南蛮亭
12. 滿漢居
13. Schnurrbart
14. Gunga Din's Club
15. 蓮香樓
16. 中國會
17. Dan Ryan's Chicago Grill
18. Triple O's Hong Kong
19. Cafe Too
20. Cova Ristorant & Caffe
21. 夜上海
22. 祥利飯店
23. 波士頓餐廳
24. 清真惠記
25. 太平館餐廳
26. 泉章居
27. 一門
28. Outback Steakhouse
29. 泰簡單
30. 千秋樂
31. 有骨氣火煱專門店
32. 南翔饅頭店
33. 和三昧
34. 翠華餐廳 (景隆街)
35. EL CID
36. 鍾菜
37. 利苑粥麵專家
38. Anytime
39. 鳳城酒家
40. Lawry's The Prime Rib Hong Kong
41. Tott's - Talk of The Town
42. 何洪記
43. 蛇王二
44. 香河越南餐廳
45. 魚翅城酒家
46. 竹八日本料理
47. Dicken's Bar
48. Inn Side Out
49. Pret A Manger
50. 新吉士
51. Das Gute
52. 梁山泊
53. Cafe One
54. 南亞餐廳1964
55. 原澗
56. 聘珍樓
57. 備長
58. 霞飛路
59. 紅樓
60. 柏寧酒店大堂酒吧
61. 蘭芳茶餐廳
62. Pacific Coffee Company (利園3樓)
63. 越色牛肉粉餐廳銅鑼灣
64. 陶源酒家
65. 龍華燒臘茶餐廳
66. Statement
67. 百樂潮州酒樓
68. 銖記海鮮飯店
69. 譽滿坊
70. 祥興咖啡室
71. 正斗粥麵專家
72. 上海弄堂菜肉餛飩
73. Brown Restaurant and Bar
74. 峰景餐廳
75. 太平山餐廳
76. Pumpernickel
77. 華姐清湯腩
78. 天后叻沙
79. SaVoye Bistro
80. 新釗記粉麵專家
81. 祥利冰室
82. 雪園飯店
83. 東寶小館
84. 香港老飯店
85. 蛇王良
86. Belgos East
89. Cafe Einstein
90. 屋台屋
91. East End Brewery
92. 恆河咖喱屋
93. 越華會
94. Ruth's Chris Steak House
95. Rice Paper
96. 糖朝
97. Stone Grill
98. Biergarten
99. Felix
100. 太湖海鮮城
101. 利苑酒家
102. 金牌鴨店茶餐廳